GANITA is also included in MathSciNet. The papers published (since 2017) in the journal are reviewed by Mathematical Reviews.

History of BGP

The Bharata Ganita Parisad is a non-profit making organization, registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860. It is devoted to the advancement of research in all branches of Mathematics including Astronomy, Statistics and Computer Science.The Parisad came into existence in January 1950 at Lucknow as successor to the Banares Mathematical Society, which was founded in 1918 at the instance of late Prof. Ganesh Prasad who was also its first President.

Ever since its inception, the Parisad has published a research journal ‘GANITA’  every year. Each annual volume consists of two numbers. The Parisad has more than 450 life members spread all over India and abroad. At present there are 50 subscribers to the journal ‘Ganita’.

During all these 65 years, Bharata Ganita Parisad has been fortunate to have as office bearers stalwarts like Professors Vaidyanathswamy, R.S. Verma, Gorakh Prasad, V.V. Narlikar, B.R. Seth, V.S. Huzurbazar, J.N. Kapur, S. Chowla, A.Sharma, Ram Ballabh, R.P. Agarwal and S.I. Husain. Distinguished mathematicians like Ram Behari, P.L. Bhatnagar, S.M. Shah, R.S. Mishra, Richard Askey, S.P. Singh, H.M. Srivastava, R.P. Kanwal, D.E. Blair, M.Rahaman, Thomas Gilsdorf, J. Szabados and Z.U.A. Warsi have helped by acting as members of the Deitorial Board in making ‘Ganita’ a research journal of international repute. Among the eminent foreign contributors to ‘Ganita’ have been M. Frechet, A. erdelyi, W. Sierpinski, B. Berndt and G.E. Andrews.

Bharata Ganita Parisad has many publications (books & monograms) to its credit. Some of them are listed below:

  • Surya –Siddhanta with Sanskrit commentary by Paramesvara (1430 A.D.). Edited with an introduction by Dr. K.S. Shukla.
  • Pati-Ganita by Sridharacharya (900 A.D.), Edited with introduction, English translation, Explanatory and critical notes and comments etc. by Dr. K.S. Shukla.
  • Maha-Bhaskariya By Bhaskara I (629 A.D.), Edited with introduction, English translation, Explanatory & critical notes and comments etc. by Dr. K.S. Shukla.
  • Laghu-Bhaskariya by Bhaskara I (629 A.D.), Edited with introduction, English translation, Explanatory & critical notes and comments etc. by Dr. K.S. Shukla.
  • Karna-Ratna by Devacharya (629 A.D.), Edited with introduction, English translation, Explanatory & critical notes and comments etc. by Dr. K.S. Shukla.
  • Lecture notes on Mechanics bu Sunil Datta.
  • Lecture notes on Tensor Algebra by A.C. Srivastava & Sunil Datta.
  • Resonance of Ramanujan by R.P. Agarwal.

The membership of Bharata Ganita Parisad is open to all persons interested in the advancement of Mathematical Sciences and in active research in them. The subscription for Life membership is Rs. 2000/- or US Dollars 200, while ordinary annual membership is Rs. 500/- or US Dollar50 . Every member is entitled to participate in the meetings, seminars and conferences organized by the Parisad and is also entitled to use its library. In addition to these facilities.